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Using The Cloudless Command Line

Up until now, Cloudless has provided only a python API to interact with networks and services, but the current release now has a command line interface to make it easier to get started. This post is a walkthrough of how to set up and use the command line interface.

As a warning, some of these steps don’t fall into the free tiers of the respective cloud providers, so you might get charged. If you’re diligent about cleaning up when you done it should be on the order of a dollar or less, but it could add up if you leave this running.


Cloudless is in the python package index, so you can install it just like you would any other package. For example, using pip:

$ pip install cloudless --user

Once you install this package, you should have the cldls executable in your path. Test this by running:

$ cldls --help

If you have an issue with this, there is likely something wrong with your python setup, so check out for more help.

Credentials and Profiles

First, just like the python API, you need to set up your credentials so that Cloudless can authenticate with the cloud provider. This setup is slightly different whether you’re using Google Compute Engine or Amazon Web Services since they handle access differently.

We will install our credentials in a named “profile” which allows us to easily switch between different cloud providers. You can set your profile either by passing the --profile option to all commands or setting the CLOUDLESS_PROFILE environment variable. If you don’t set either of these you are using the “default” profile.

Google Compute Engine (GCE) Credentials

Behind the scenes, Cloudless uses the Apache Libcloud project for GCE. This is a python library that has bindings to many different cloud providers. This means that their documentation is helpful for understanding how to set up your credentials. The guide for finding the credentials Cloudless uses can be found here:

Cloudless currently uses a “Service Account”, so you will need three things:

  • A service account “key”, which is a JSON file you can download from the console at Save this somewhere you remember.
  • A project ID, which will look something like “project-220098”.
  • A service account user ID, which will look something like “”.

Once you think you have that information, run the init command:

$ cldls --profile gce init --provider gce

This will prompt you for the information and save it in ~/.cloudless/config.yml. When you’re done it should look something like this:

$ cat ~/.cloudless/config.yml
  credentials: {key: /home/sverch/.gce/project-220098-166248430d42.json, project: project-220098,
    user_id: ''}
  provider: gce

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Credentials

For interacting with AWS, Cloudless uses the boto3 library.

To set up your credentials for AWS, follow the instructions here: That link shows how to set up the AWS command line tool, and once that is set up Cloudless should work. Currently, which AWS profile Cloudless uses is only configurable via the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. If you don’t know what that means, you are using the “default” aws profile and everything should just work.

Once you have that set up, run:

$ cldls --profile aws init --provider aws

Because the AWS client uses the credentials saved in the ~/.aws/ directory, you don’t have to pass anything else to Cloudless.

Your First Network

Now that you have your credentials set up, it’s time to get started! First, to verify everything is connected properly, run:

$ cldls network list

These examples assume you either are using the “default” profile or have set the CLOUDLESS_PROFILE environment variables. This command will list all networks in the profile. If everything is set up properly and you haven’t created networks without Cloudless you should see nothing, or an empty list.

In all of the following examples, when the commands take a configuration file as an argument, we are using the example configuration in So if you’re following along you should clone that repo locally first and checkout the v0.0.2 tag!

Now, let’s create a network. To create a network named “dev”, run:

$ cldls network create dev example-blueprints/network/blueprint.yml
Created network: dev

The blueprint file has some basic configuration for our network. Now we can see what we created:

$ cldls network get dev
Name: dev
Id: vpc-0c00ce4d55a177bec
Region: us-east-1

Success! We now have a new network with a network block (not all cloud providers need a network block for the top level network, so if you see “null” here that’s okay).

Creating A Service

Now that we have a network, we want to actually run something in it. Here we’ll create a simple service running the default nginx configuration. Again, the blueprint file contains some configuration for the service, such as the resource requirements for each instance, how much redundancy you need, the base image to start with (Ubuntu in this case), and the startup script that installs nginx:

$ cldls service create dev public example-blueprints/aws-nginx/blueprint.yml
Waiting for instance creation for service public.  0 of 3 running
Success!  3 of 3 instance running.
Created service: public in network: dev

Great! We now have three instances running in the “dev” network. Let’s get details about our service:

$ cldls service get dev public
name: public
- default-all-outgoing-allowed
is_accessible_from: []
  name: dev
  id: vpc-00c0ce4d42a166bec
  region: us-east-1
  - name: public
    id: subnet-039a58e389a587408
    region: us-east-1
    availability_zone: us-east-1a
    - id: i-05b07de532f613dd9
      state: running
      availability_zone: us-east-1a
  - name: public
    id: subnet-0bb6ed2f9853c2716
    region: us-east-1
    availability_zone: us-east-1b
    - id: i-059d06940243444ac
      state: running
      availability_zone: us-east-1b
  - name: public
    id: subnet-032b434b6b00a1551
    region: us-east-1
    availability_zone: us-east-1c
    - id: i-0d5b345cdb764a274
      state: running
      availability_zone: us-east-1c

There we have it, three instances running across availability zones. By default nothing can access this service, but it’s up and running!

Making It Public

Now that we have our service, we want to expose it on the internet. To do that, we can use the paths subcommand:

$ cldls paths allow_network_block dev public 80
Added path from to public in network dev for port 80

This command allows (all ip addresses) to access our service on port 80. Now let’s see our paths:

$ cldls paths list
external: -(80)-> dev:public

There we have it! We should also see our path in the is_accessible_from attribute of the service command output.

Now, let’s check if our site is running using the public_ip of one of our instances:

$ curl http://$(cldls service get dev public | grep public_ip | awk -F: '{print $2}' | head -n 1)
curl: (3) Bad URL
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
    body {
        width: 35em;
        margin: 0 auto;
        font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
<p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and
working. Further configuration is required.</p>

<p>For online documentation and support please refer to
<a href=""></a>.<br/>
Commercial support is available at
<a href=""></a>.</p>

<p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>

Success! We now have a simple site up and running, and all the steps here work on any cloud provider (except the credential setup of course).

Cleaning Up

You don’t want to get charged for leaving these things running, so you can clean up the resources you created by running:

cldls service destroy dev public
cldls network destroy

Thanks for trying Cloudless! Check out the Documentation for more info, and star the Github Repo if you like this project. You can also subscribe for updates or email