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Deploying on Cloudless (Part 1)

It’s hard to evaluate whether something is useful until there’s an example of how it works in a real production setting. Cool ideas are free but actually building something that works isn’t.

Given that, this post is meant to document the process of deploying on Cloudless. It’s a small test case because is a simple static site, but everything has to start somewhere and this will be a good way to show the “minimum viable” deployment.

DISCLAIMER: This is a good example of how to use Cloudless, but don’t actually use this Vault module until it has high availability and encryption. I realized that I’m not really using it as a true secret server right now, which is a bit misleading, so I added a supplementary post to set up a Consul server.

Note that this example does not deploy Vault with TLS, which means that traffic to and from Vault will not be encrypted. I’m sidestepping the issue for now by deploying it as an “internal” service for, but if you use this for anything but a personal project, make sure you know what you’re doing and manage that appropriately. If you want to add TLS, pull requests are welcome!

Cloudless is the only open source project that can deploy services on multiple cloud providers without requiring you to use a whole opinionated framework or spin up a bunch of supplementary infrastructure. That means once this work is done it should be reproducible on any of the providers Cloudless supports.

This post is Part One of a two part setup, since the architecture (described below) has two separate components.


The simplest possible deployment would be to spin up a server that clones the git repository, builds it using jekyll and serves it up over http. This would require nothing secret and be easy to set up in a simple startup script.

However, to make this more like a minimum production setup, the deployment of will use https and have a simple monitoring setup. This means that the web servers will need the API keys for the certificate renewal and monitoring agent. These are sensitive, so they shouldn’t be hard coded in the startup script or built into the image. As a result, the deployment will require two parts: a basic secrets server, and the web servers themselves.


If you are new to secrets management, see this blog post by Square for a good overview of the alternatives.

Without a secrets server, your options are limited. You can manually log into the instances to add secrets, or have some other out of band automated process log in to effectively do the same thing. Besides the drawbacks they described in that post, the Cloudless model explicitly doesn’t encourage logging in to set up machines, so the instances need some way to get their own secrets.

For our secrets server, we will do a simple single node setup of Hashicorp’s Vault, which will store the API keys that the web servers need on its local filesystem. Note this is not HA, but in our setup Vault going down will not take the site down (the webservers that are already running will cache the secrets and be unaffected) so this is kept simple in the spirit of keeping the setup as minimal as possible. Future work would be needed to deploy a Consul cluster to act as the Vault backend, which would make this setup more resilient.

This is what we will cover in Part One (this post).

Web Server

The web server will be running a basic nginx server that is configured with SSL certificates from sslmate and monitored using Datadog. It will periodically pull the repository, build it using jekyll, and update the files being served by nginx. It will also use uptime for external website monitoring.

This is what we will cover in Part Two.


This is a walkthrough of all the steps I went through to get this set up, including any mistakes and messy debugging. It’s meant to show the real workflow of developing a new module with Cloudless.

Note that this is also my first time using Vault, so I’m sure I’m making mistakes. Everything I’m doing will live in so please submit an issue there if you have corrections!

Initial Copy

First, let’s copy the example-apache repository, since that’s the simplest starting point, and use it to create example-vault:

sverch@local:$ git clone
sverch@local:$ git clone
sverch@local:$ cp -r example-apache/* example-vault/
cp: overwrite 'example-vault/'? y
sverch@local:$ cd example-vault/
sverch@local:$ git checkout -b initial-apache-copy
sverch@local:$ git add .
sverch@local:$ git commit
sverch@local:$ git push origin initial-apache-copy

You can find that pull request here.

Development Server

These steps set up the server we’re going to use to iterate on our Vault setup.

Before we deploy the server let’s first change this line in the service test fixture to allow the Vault ports (8200, 8201). This will ensure these ports are open from our test machine to the server we are working on.

Now, we install cloudless using the Pipfile that comes with the repo:

sverch@local:$ pipenv install
Installing -e git+
sverch@local:$ pipenv shell
sverch@local:$ which cldls

And finally, we can create and log in to the server we are going to use for development:

sverch@local:$ cldls service-test deploy service_test_configuration.yml
Deploy complete!
To log in, run:
ssh -i /home/sverch/projects/example-vault/.cloudless/id_rsa_test cloudless_service_test@
sverch@local:$ ssh -i /home/sverch/projects/example-vault/.cloudless/id_rsa_test cloudless_service_test@
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.


Vault Installation

Now that we’re on the machine, we can try out the Vault installation. I’m not doing anything fancy here, just following the Vault Installation Documentation.

First, we need to download Vault. These steps also include verification of the package signature. See here for documentation on how to do this and how to find Hashicorp’s keys.

sverch@remote:$ gpg --keyserver --recv-key 0x51852D87348FFC4C
gpg: key 348FFC4C: public key "HashiCorp Security <>" imported
sverch@remote:$ curl -Os
sverch@remote:$ curl -Os
sverch@remote:$ curl -Os
sverch@remote:$ gpg --verify vault_0.11.2_SHA256SUMS.sig vault_0.11.2_SHA256SUMS
gpg: Good signature from "HashiCorp Security <>"
sverch@remote:$ shasum -a 256 -c vault_0.11.2_SHA256SUMS
... OK

Now we can unzip the package and make sure it works!

sverch@remote:$ sudo apt-get -y install unzip
sverch@remote:$ unzip
  inflating: vault
sverch@remote:$ ./vault --help
Usage: vault <command> [args]

Vault First Run

To run Vault, we need to start vault with some initial configuration. For this example we are using the Filesystem backend:

sverch@remote:$ cat <<EOF >| vault.hcl
storage "file" {
  path = "/var/vault/data"

listener "tcp" {
 address     = ""
 tls_disable = 1
sverch@remote:$ sudo mkdir -p /var/vault/data
sverch@remote:$ sudo ./vault server -config=vault.hcl
==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below:

Verification and Debugging

Now that we have a basic Vault installation, we want to start adding tests to verify the installation works. These tests are sort of a halfway point between integration tests and unit tests. See the Cloudless development workflow for more background on this.

In our test fixture we will use the Vault Python Library. To install and add this package to our project’s Pipfile, we run:

pipenv install hvac

Now we can change the verify function in the test fixture to use this function to test whether vault is set up properly:

import hvac


def verify(self, network, service, setup_info):
    Given the network name and the service name of the service under test,
    verify that it's behaving as expected.
    def check_vault_setup():
        public_ips = [i.public_ip for s in service.subnetworks for i in s.instances]
        assert public_ips, "No services are running..."
        for public_ip in public_ips:
            client = hvac.Client(url='http://%s:8200' % public_ip)
            client.write('secret/foo', baz='bar', lease='1h')
            my_secret ='secret/foo')
            assert "baz" in my_secret["data"], "Baz not in my_secret: %s" % my_secret
            assert my_secret["data"]["baz"] == "bar", "Baz not 'bar': %s" % my_secret
    call_with_retries(check_vault_setup, RETRY_COUNT, RETRY_DELAY)

Now, run the check step to run that verifier and see if everything is working:

sverch@local:$ cldls service-test check service_test_configuration.yml
INFO:cloudless.util:Verify exception: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8200): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/secret/foo (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f36de803080>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))

Well, looks like we have a problem. Maybe it’s a firewall issue? Let’s check our routes:

sverch@local:$ cldls paths list
external: -(22)-> test-network-ahcwqxezbk:test-service-vhhjzhzyph
external: -(8200)-> test-network-ahcwqxezbk:test-service-vhhjzhzyph
external: -(8201)-> test-network-ahcwqxezbk:test-service-vhhjzhzyph
sverch@local:$ curl

Those generally look ok. In theory, my IP, should have access on port 8200. Let’s try a sanity check and run the nc command to listen on port 8200 on the server instead of Vault:

sverch@remote:$ nc -l 8200

Now, from the local machine:

sverch@local:$ curl

And on the server, we see:

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.59.0
Accept: */*

So the firewall is fine, which means the problem is that Vault is not listening on port 8200. This makes sense because we got “connection refused” instead of “host unreachable”, which tells us that we were able to reach the destination server but it refused our connection request.

Looking at the Vault listener configuration and doing a little bit of searching, I found that the string means to only bind localhost (which in retrospect is obvious) and means to bind all interfaces. Changing that in the configuration causes the check to yield this error:

sverch@local:$ cldls service-test check service_test_configuration.yml
INFO:cloudless.util:Attempt number: 0
INFO:cloudless.util:Verify exception: Vault is sealed
INFO:cloudless.util:Attempt number: 1
INFO:cloudless.util:Verify exception: Vault is sealed

Great, we got a different error! This is telling us that we have to actually initialize and unseal the Vault by providing the Vault master keys. Fortunately our python library has this capability.

Let’s add a simplified version of those code examples to our verify step:

shares = 1
threshold = 1
result = client.initialize(shares, threshold)
root_token = result['root_token']
keys = result['keys']

For simplicity we will just use the root token in the rest of the calls. The goal is to test that Vault is running, not to do a full secure setup for now.

Now when we run the check command, the verify succeeds!

sverch@local:$ cldls service-test check service_test_configuration.yml
INFO:cloudless.util:Verify successful!

This may not seem like much, but think about what just happened: We just wrote a very simple Vault integration test. With some cleanup, we could factor this out and run it against other Vault servers, possibly even as an ongoing health check.

This shows one of the big goals of Cloudless, which is to make this kind of end to end testing part of the normal development workflow.

The Startup Script

Now that we’ve iterated on this and got our first Vault server running, let’s take a first pass at putting all this into a startup script. I’m going to be extremely lazy and run:

sverch@local:$ ssh -i /home/sverch/projects/example-vault/.cloudless/id_rsa_test cloudless_service_test@ cat .bash_history >

To make the test framework ssh keys work, I have to add this to the beginning of the startup script:

{% if cloudless_test_framework_ssh_key %}
adduser "{{ cloudless_test_framework_ssh_username }}" --disabled-password --gecos "Cloudless Test User"
echo "{{ cloudless_test_framework_ssh_username }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
mkdir /home/{{ cloudless_test_framework_ssh_username }}/.ssh/
echo "{{ cloudless_test_framework_ssh_key }}" >> /home/{{ cloudless_test_framework_ssh_username }}/.ssh/authorized_keys
{% endif %}

In a real deployment, you don’t set these variables and this block gets templated out.

Now, after a lot of editing/removing unnecessary lines where I made mistakes or typos, I can run this to remove my crufty test service:

sverch@local:$ cldls service-test cleanup service_test_configuration.yml

And run this to see if the startup script that I just wrote works:

sverch@local:$ cldls service-test deploy service_test_configuration.yml
sverch@local:$ cldls service-test check service_test_configuration.yml

I had a small typo where I had a $ cat command instead of just cat, but I was able to log in, find the problem, and fix it in the startup script.

Now that I’m more confident everything is working, do the full run for good measure (just runs all the above commands in order):

sverch@local:$ cldls service-test run service_test_configuration.yml
Full test run complete!

And let’s try it on AWS:

sverch@local:$ cldls --profile aws service-test run service_test_configuration.yml
Full test run complete!

Great! Now we have a basic Vault setup that works on both Amazon Web Services and Google Compute Engine. You can find the results in this pull request. It’s also merged into master, so you could run this all yourself!

Coming Up Next

This is part one of a two part setup, and we still need to deploy the web service itself, so check back for updates!

Thanks for trying Cloudless! Check out the Documentation for more info, and star the Github Repo if you like this project. You can also subscribe for updates or email