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Deploying on Cloudless (Part 2)

This is part two of deploying using Cloudless. In this post we will set up the web servers with https and monitoring that can pull a Jekyll based site from github.

In part 1.5, we set up a simple Consul server without TLS/SSL (no encryption in transit) or high availability (only a single node). While that’s is not the most secure or resilient deployment, for the bare minimum setup that we’re trying to go for, it’s enough. It’s not enough to just say that though, so I’ll give a short justification as to why for this particular case I’m not going to worry about these right now.

Remember from part 1 that the overall architecture is one Consul server to store our API keys and multiple client facing web servers that pull the API keys on startup.


When thinking about resilience of this basic set up, I can think through what might fail at a high level, and what would happen in that case.

  • Failure of the web servers: The DataDog agent will stop reporting from the server, and I can trigger an alert if any servers stop responding. If I’m tearing down a server on purpose, I’ll know I caused the alert, so the spurious alert isn’t a big deal. I’ll also get notifications from uptime monitoring to tell me that clients have started recieving errors, and I can respond to correct the issue.
  • Failure of the Consul server: The web servers will only pull secrets on startup, so the Consul server going down won’t take down the site (but will prevent me from spinning up new servers). If I combine this with monitoring on the web servers that checks that the Consul server is still responding, I can ensure I get notified if something is wrong so I know I can still scale up if I need to.

Since this is a simple site, and since I’ll have redundant web servers, I’m considering that good enough for now. Some future optimizations would of course be to deploy multiple Consul servers, to put the web servers behind a load balancer with health checks, and have automation to change DNS entries if one of the user facing servers stops responding.


For security, we have a place to store our secrets, so we don’t have to commit them into version control or pass them around out of band, which is good. We’re not really using a secrets server for this, so what are the implications?

Well, from a security perspective it would be nice to get access logging, TLS encryption of traffic in transit, and true access controls so that only authorized clients can retrieve the secrets they need. However, that’s future work and would require spending more time on the Vault setup.

For now, we’ll rely on Consul being an internal only service, and assume that once someone is in the private network (so either on the Consul server or the web servers), they’ve already mostly compromised enough to get those API keys anyway, and don’t have that much to gain by stealing them.

If I was protecting finanical or health data, that consideration would be very different, but for now this is a good place to start.

Initial Setup

Just like before, our first step is to copy an existing blueprint. Let’s start with the example-apache blueprint to create example-static-site. The pull request for the import is here. All our changes will be based on that starting point.

Consul Dependency

The first difference from our Vault/Consul setup is that this blueprint will depend on the Consul blueprint. Until support for pulling modules directly from a remote source is done, we have to clone that blueprint as a submodule:

git submodule add

Now, in the test setup, we can add:

SERVICE_BLUEPRINT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "example-consul/blueprint.yml")
def setup_before_tested_service(self, network):
    Create the dependent services needed to test this service.
    service_name = "consul"
    service = self.client.service.create(network, service_name, SERVICE_BLUEPRINT, count=1)
    return SetupInfo(
        {"service_name": service_name},
        {"consul_ips": [i.private_ip for s in service.subnetworks for i in s.instances]})


def setup_after_tested_service(self, network, service, setup_info):
    Do any setup that must happen after the service under test has been
    @retry(wait_fixed=5000, stop_max_attempt_number=24):
    def add_dummy_api_keys(service):
        public_ips = [i.public_ip for s in service.subnetworks for i in s.instances]
        assert public_ips, "No services are running..."
        for public_ip in public_ips:
            consul_client = consul.Consul(public_ip)
            if consul_client.kv.get('dummy_api_key'):
            consul_client.kv.put('dummy_api_key', 'dummy_api_key_value')
        return True

    # First set up our real paths, two on http and https from the internet,
    # and one to consul from the web service.
    consul_service_name = setup_info.deployment_info["service_name"]
    consul_service = self.client.service.get(network, consul_service_name)
    internet = CidrBlock("")
    self.client.paths.add(service, consul_service, 8500)
    self.client.paths.add(internet, service, 80)

    # Now let's add some dummy API keys to Consul.
    self.client.paths.add(internet, consul_service, 8500)
    self.client.paths.remove(internet, consul_service, 8500)

Here’s where things start to get interesting. The test framework will call two functions in our test fixture, one to set up any dependencies that need to be there before the service under test has been created, and the other to do any final setup after the service under test has been created.

In this example, our web service depends on Consul, which means we not only need to deploy a Consul service, but also allow access from the web server to the consul service on port 8500.

Blueprint Variables

Now that we’ve expressed the Consul dependency in the test framework, how do we actually tell the web servers where our Consul servers live?

For every Cloudless service, there’s a “blueprint” configuration file where you can specify the required resources, the initial base image, and a startup script. This script can actually take parameters so you can control the behavior of the service without changing the configuration itself.

In this setup, our startup script block will look like this:

  - path: ""
        required: true
        required: false
        required: false

The SSH information is passed in by the test framework, while the consul_ips will be required by our setup.

They will be passed as template variables to jinja2, which will template out the startup script. Just to get started, let’s add this to our startup script:

#! /bin/bash

{% if cloudless_test_framework_ssh_key %}
adduser "{{ cloudless_test_framework_ssh_username }}" --disabled-password --gecos "Cloudless Test User"
echo "{{ cloudless_test_framework_ssh_username }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
mkdir /home/{{ cloudless_test_framework_ssh_username }}/.ssh/
echo "{{ cloudless_test_framework_ssh_key }}" >> /home/{{ cloudless_test_framework_ssh_username }}/.ssh/authorized_keys
{% endif %}

apt-get update
apt-get install -y python3-pip
pip install python-consul
cat <<EOF > /tmp/
import consul
consul_client = consul.Consul("{{ consul_ips[0] }}")
dummy_api_key = consul_client.kv.get('dummy_api_key')

python /tmp/ >> /tmp/dummy_key.txt

I don’t know if this is what we’ll ultimately want, but it will install the Consul client and save the dummy API key so we can at least see whether this part works.

Variables can be passed in via the API or the command line, but we don’t need to do that yet because the “ServiceInfo” object that we passed back to the test framework in our test fixture above contains this information, which the test fixture will pass to the service being tested.

All the work from this section can be found in this pull request.

First Run

If you read the first two posts, this is starting to become familiar:

sverch@local:$ cldls service-test deploy service_test_configuration.yml
Service test group with provider: gce
INFO:cloudless.providers.gce:Creating subnetwork consul in test-network-hbocrrlcgg with blueprint /home/sverch/projects/example-static-site/example-consul/blueprint.yml
INFO:cloudless.providers.gce:Discovering subnetwork test-network-hbocrrlcgg, test-service-kgfotabkoy
Deploy complete!
To log in, run:
ssh -i /home/sverch/projects/example-static-site/.cloudless/id_rsa_test cloudless_service_test@

One difference here is you can see that the consul service was automatically created. Let’s see if the web server was able to pull the dummy key from Consul:

sverch@local:$ ssh -i /home/sverch/projects/example-static-site/.cloudless/id_rsa_test cloudless_service_test@
sverch@remote:$ cat /tmp/dummy_key.txt

No luck, but let’s see if the python script is there:

sverch@remote:$ cat /tmp/
import consul
consul_client = consul.Consul("")
dummy_api_key = consul_client.kv.get('dummy_api_key')
sverch@remote:$ python /tmp/
  File "/tmp/", line 5

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Alright, looks like a simple missing parentheses. After fixing that and a few issues involving using pip instead of pip3 everything worked, and running the check command shows success:

cldls service-test check service_test_configuration.yml
INFO:cloudless.util:Verify successful!

I copied those fixes back into the test fixture and startup script, so now we have a working Consul setup. This is all in the same pull request as before. Now it’s time to actually start configuring our web servers!

Nginx/Jekyll Setup

I’m going to go through these steps pretty quickly, because this is more about Cloudless than about how to set up Jekyll or nginx, and they have great docs on this already.

First, let’s install nginx:

sverch@remote:$ sudo apt-get install nginx

And from another terminal make sure we can reach it from the public IP:

sverch@local:$ curl --silent | grep "Thank you"
<p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>

Now, let’s do all the Jekyll setup:

sverch@remote:$ sudo apt-get install git
sverch@remote:$ git clone
sverch@remote:$ sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev build-essential
sverch@remote:$ sudo gem install bundler
sverch@remote:$ cd
sverch@remote:$ export GEM_HOME=$HOME/gems
sverch@remote:$ export PATH=$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH
sverch@remote:$ bundle install
	ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
zlib is missing; necessary for building libxml2
sverch@remote:$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
sverch@remote:$ bundle install
sverch@remote:$ sudo chown -R $(whoami) /var/www/html
sverch@remote:$ bundle exec jekyll build --destination /var/www/html

That’s a lot, but it’s mostly fighting with ruby dependencies and stepping through the normal installation of Jekyll, which you can find here.

But now, we’re serving Cloudless!

sverch@local:$ curl --silent | grep "<title>"

Before we go any further, let’s add this to our regression test:

def verify(self, network, service, setup_info):
    Given the network name and the service name of the service under test,
    verify that it's behaving as expected.
    def check_responsive():
        public_ips = [i.public_ip for s in service.subnetworks for i in s.instances]
        assert public_ips
        for public_ip in public_ips:
            response = requests.get("http://%s" % public_ip)
            expected_content = "Cloudless"
            assert response.content, "No content in response"
            assert expected_content in str(response.content), (
                "Unexpected content in response: %s" % response.content)
    call_with_retries(check_responsive, RETRY_COUNT, RETRY_DELAY)

And check it:

sverch@local:$ cldls service-test check service_test_configuration.yml
Check complete!

Now I’ll just add all the above configuration to the startup script, and try to run the full deploy/test cycle:

sverch@local:$ cldls service-test cleanup service_test_configuration.yml
sverch@local:$ cldls service-test run service_test_configuration.yml
INFO:cloudless.util:All tests passed!
Full test run complete!

It takes a while to deploy, which would be fixed by building much of the setup into a base image, but it works!

This part of the setup is all in this pull request. The next step is to serve this page over https.

Getting a Certificate

Fortunately, sslmate comes with a sandbox to make it easier to test out the process of getting new certificates, so let’s start there. You can install sslmate using these instructions.

From the sandbox documentation and and the automation documentation, I created a .sslmate configuration file with api_key and api_endpoint set to the sandbox credentials and ran this on my local machine:

sverch@local:$ sslmate --batch buy --no-wait --email
Generating private key... Done.
Generating CSR... Done.
Placing order...
Order complete.

You will soon receive an email at from Follow the instructions in the email to verify your ownership of your domain.

Once you've verified ownership, you will be able to download your certificate with the 'sslmate download' command.

           Private key:
      Bare certificate: (not yet issued - will be
     Certificate chain: (not yet issued - will be
Certificate with chain: (not yet issued - will be

I never got an email, but the certificates are authorized, which is probably just a feature of the sandbox:

sverch@local:$ sslmate download
The certificate for has been downloaded.

           Private key:
      Bare certificate:
     Certificate chain:
Certificate with chain:

All right! Let’s check out the certificates:

sverch@local:$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in  | grep Sandbox
        Issuer: C = US, O = SSLMate, CN = SSLMate 2015 Sandbox Intermediate CA 2
        Subject: OU = SSLMate Sandbox (Untrusted), OU = Domain Control Validated, OU = PositiveSSL, CN =

Great, we got a self signed cert from the sandbox, this should be enough to get started!

Installing the Certificate

Because we want our nodes to be able to fully bootstrap without human intervention, we’ll need to set up sslmate on the destination machine so it can pull down its own certificates.

From the documentation about how to automate sslmate, I see:

if sslmate download --all
	service apache2 restart

That looks like exactly what I want, and I can just replace apache with nginx. The next challenge here will be actually getting the credentials for sslmate onto the box! Well, once again, let’s use the test framework to do add them to Consul automatically:

use_sslmate = 'SSLMATE_API_KEY' in os.environ

@retry(wait_fixed=5000, stop_max_attempt_number=24)
def add_api_keys(service):
    public_ips = [i.public_ip for s in service.subnetworks for i in s.instances]
    assert public_ips, "No services are running..."
    for public_ip in public_ips:
        consul_client = consul.Consul(public_ip)
        if use_sslmate:
            consul_client.kv.put('SSLMATE_API_KEY', os.environ['SSLMATE_API_KEY'])
            consul_client.kv.put('SSLMATE_API_ENDPOINT', os.environ['SSLMATE_API_ENDPOINT'])
    return True

# Now let's add any necessary API keys to Consul.
my_ip = requests.get("")
test_machine = CidrBlock(my_ip.content.decode("utf-8").strip())
self.client.paths.add(test_machine, service, 8500)
self.client.paths.remove(test_machine, service, 8500)

So now we have a test framework that will only test the service with sslmate if we actually have the SSLMATE_API_KEY environment variable set. We also make this optional in the blueprint configuration:

  - path: ""
        required: true
        required: true
        required: true
        required: false
        required: false
        required: false

We also have a few more variables because they are needed for the Jekyll and sslmate setup.

You may wonder what should be passed in as a blueprint variable, what should be pulled from Consul, what should be in the blueprint startup script, and what should be in the image itself. The real answer is it varies, but one of the ideas behind Cloudless is that what something is should be declarative and in version control, but where it is, how many there are, and what it’s being used for should not be.

In this example, the boilerplate configuration and package installation is more of the declarative part, while which site is being served, the API keys, and whether we are using SSL are not. In theory, all this could and probably should be pulled from a configuration store like Consul, but this shows an example of how these could be passed through the blueprint itself.

I won’t show all the nginx configuration here (you can find it in the github project), but the meat of the sslmate setup looks like:

{% if use_sslmate %}
# Install sslmate certificate download script
cat <<EOF > /opt/
cd /etc/sslmate/
if sslmate download {{ jekyll_site_domain }}
    service nginx restart
chmod a+x /opt/

# Configure sslmate
cat <<EOF >| /etc/sslmate.conf
api_key $(python3 /tmp/ SSLMATE_API_KEY)
api_endpoint $(python3 /tmp/ SSLMATE_API_ENDPOINT)

# Fetch ssl private key first so sslmate can check that it's correct
python3 /tmp/ "{{ jekyll_site_domain }}.key" >> "/etc/sslmate/{{ jekyll_site_domain }}.key"

# Download ssl certificates

# Install certificate download as a cron job
# (
(crontab -l ; echo "0 1 * * * /opt/") | crontab -
{% endif %}

And that’s it! All this can be added back to our startup script and we can update our integration test to use https instead of http if ssl is being used. To avoid making this any longer, just check the pull request with all these changes if you’re interested.

DataDog Setup

We’re almost there! The last bit of setup we need is DataDog. Since we already have all the other machinery, this isn’t so bad. We just check if the DATADOG_API_KEY environment variable is set, upload it to Consul if it is, and download it when we configure datadog. I’m not going to include that configuration here, but you can see it in the github repo if you’re interested. These were the datadog installation docs that I referenced.

The thing I really want to show is the test for this:

# Don't check datadog if we have no API key
if 'DATADOG_API_KEY' not in os.environ:

options = {
    'api_key': os.environ['DATADOG_API_KEY'],
    'app_key': os.environ['DATADOG_APP_KEY']


def is_agent_reporting():
    end_time = time.time()
    # Just go ten minutes back
    start_time = end_time - 6000
    events = api.Event.query(
    def check_event_match(event):
        for tag in event['tags']:
            if re.match(".*%s.*%s.*" % (,, tag):
                return True
        if 'is_aggregate' in event and event['is_aggregate']:
            for child in event['children']:
                child_event = api.Event.get(child['id'])
                if check_event_match(child_event['event']):
                    return True
        return False
    for event in events['events']:
        if check_event_match(event):
            return True
    assert False, "Could not find this service in datadog events!  %s" % events
call_with_retries(is_agent_reporting, RETRY_COUNT, RETRY_DELAY)

def is_agent_sending_nginx_metrics():
    now = int(time.time())
    query = '{*}by{host}'
    series = api.Metric.query(start=now - 600, end=now, query=query)
    for datapoint in series['series']:
        if re.match(".*%s.*%s.*" % (,, datapoint['expression']):
        # Delete this because we don't care about it here and it muddies the error message
        del datapoint['pointlist']
    assert False, "No nginx stats in datadog metrics for this service!  %s" % series
call_with_retries(is_agent_sending_nginx_metrics, RETRY_COUNT, RETRY_DELAY)

This is some pretty messy python code, but it shows how you can use the datadog python library to create an integration test to make sure this thing hooks up correctly with Datadog.

I did some minor debugging and ran the final test run, so now we’re done! The pull request for this part is here.

Coming Up Next

This was a lot for one post, so there will be one more post to actually run the real deployment of But now we have all the building blocks we need to do that!

Also, remember these are just examples. At your real job you would probably build a base image that has a lot of these things preinstalled, and instead of jank bash scripts to get the configuration from Consul, you’d probably have real agents with unit tests. But now you know how to use Cloudless to deploy all that!

Thanks for trying Cloudless! Check out the Documentation for more info, and star the Github Repo if you like this project. You can also subscribe for updates or email