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Deploying on Cloudless (Part 3)

The past few posts have been about creating and testing the Cloudless modules we need to deploy our static site, but now we get to see how it all comes together.

This diagram was generated from Cloudless itself, and shows the architecture we are building:

Statis Site Architecture Digram with Consul and Single Web

Note that there’s a Consul service that is not internet accessible, but the web servers can access it on the Consul port (8500). The web servers are accessible to the internet on https port 443 and on http port 80, which will redirect to https on port 443.

Most of the code for this post can be found in this pull request, so check there if you want to see how this all comes together in the end.

Creating The Network

This part is easy. All we need is a network configuration file, which is empty because the defaults are fine for us (default is to create a network of size 2^16, or 16 bits). Then we run our deployment command with the empty file:

$ cldls network create cloudless network.yml
Created network: cloudless
$ cldls network get cloudless
Name: cloudless
Id: vpc-00000000000000000
Region: us-east-1

Now we have our network! Note it doesn’t matter whether you’re using AWS or GCE. This step will be exactly the same.

Consul Deployment

Now it gets interesting. Remember in part 1.5 of this series, we created a Consul module. Well now we are actually going to use it. Until is done, we can only deploy module code from our local machine, so we have to check out a git submodule:

$ git submodule add

Now that we have this checked out we can deploy Consul!

$ cldls service create --count 1 cloudless consul-1 example-consul/blueprint.yml
Created service: consul-1 in network: cloudless

And now we’ve deployed the Consul server we will use to store our secrets. Let’s configure it to work with our site.

Consul Configuration

Now that we have a Consul service running, we need to store the proper configuration. For that we need to start by cloning the example static site module we wrote in part 2:

$ git submodule add

Remember in part 2 when we wrote an integration test for our static site? Well, one of the things that integration test had to do in order to work properly was set up Consul, which happens to be exactly the code that we need now.

In this pull request I factored that setup out into a separate script, so the integration test now looks something like:

from helpers.setup_consul import setup_consul, check_environment
setup_consul(consul_ips, "", use_sslmate=use_sslmate,

It doesn’t seem like much, but this means we can use this script outside the integration test. For us, this looks like:

# Get my IP for whitelisting
MY_IP_ADDRESS=$(curl --silent
# Allow my IP to connect
cldls paths allow_network_block cloudless consul-1 $MY_IP_ADDRESS 8500
# Get the IP of the Consul node
CONSUL_IP=$(cldls service get cloudless consul-1 | grep public_ip | awk -F: '{print $2}')
# Run the configuration script
python example-static-site/helpers/ $CONSUL_IP both
# Disallow my IP
cldls paths revoke_network_block cloudless consul-1 $MY_IP_ADDRESS 8500

The configuration script will upload all the necessary secrets to Consul that the web servers need to deploy. And the best part is that this code is actually covered by our tests!

Web Service Deployment

Up until this point we used the Cloudless command line, but for the web service deployment, we’ll use the Cloudless python API directly. In the end, this is a single python script that’s less than 70 lines in total. You can find it here if you want to see the whole thing.

First, remember that this pull request factored out the health check into a separate script, so the integration test looks something like this:

from import check_health
expected_content = "Cloudless"
services = [{"public_ip": i.public_ip, "private_ip": i.private_ip}
            for s in service.subnetworks for i in s.instances]
check_health(services, expected_content, use_datadog, use_sslmate)

That’s it! Most of the code is hidden in the check_health function, which we can reuse in our full deployment script:

from import check_health
consul_service = client.service.get(network, consul_name)
consul_instances = client.service.get_instances(consul_service)
internet = CidrBlock("")
service = client.service.create(network, service_name,
                                count=count, template_vars=blueprint_vars)
client.paths.add(service, consul_service, 8500)
client.paths.add(internet, service, 80)
client.paths.add(internet, service, 443)
print("Created service: %s!" % service_name)
service_instances = client.service.get_instances(service)
service_ips = [{"public_ip": instance.public_ip, "private_ip": instance.private_ip}
               for instance in service_instances]
check_health(service_ips, "Cloudless", use_datadog=True, use_sslmate=True)

Here you can see our deployment script doing a little work to set up the networking, exposing port 80 and port 443, and linking it up to Consul (our integration test does this in a separate step). For the most part though, it looks very similar to our integration test. Let’s see what a deploy looks like:

$ python consul-1 web-1
Created service: web-1!
Checking url:
Checking to see if agent is reporting for host:
INFO:datadog.api:200 GET (88.5127ms)
Checking query:{*}by{private_ip} to check for nginx metrics.
Checking query: consul.catalog.total_nodes{*}by{private_ip} to check for consul metrics.

Deploy Successful!

Service IPs: [{'public_ip': '', 'private_ip': ''}]
Use 'cldls service get cloudless web-1' for more info.

Success! Now our web-1 service is running, and because it uses the same health checks as our integration test, we not only know that our service is up and responding, but we have confidence that our new service is actually reporting metrics for the services we care about.

DNS Setup

So now we are at the final step. We have an automated deploy script to deploy our service, but what we really want is for to point to our newly deployed server.

Do do this we have to create a DNS entry that points at the public IP of the new server, or Since everything else is automated, it would be unfortunate if this step required a human, so we’re going to use NS1 to host our DNS because they have great API support.

In a nutshell, the DNS update script looks like:

from ns1 import NS1
api = NS1(apiKey=API_KEY)
zone = api.loadZone("")
record = zone.loadRecord("aws", "A")
answers = [answer["answer"] for answer in record["answers"]]
print("Old IPs for record '': %s" % answers)
if remove:
    print("Removing IP: %s" % ip_address)
    answers = [answer for answer in answers
                if answer != ip_address and ip_address not in answer]
    print("Adding IP: %s" % ip_address)
print("New IPs for record '': %s" % answers)

This is a simple script that lets us add or remove an IP address from (I made ALIAS to that, which is an NS1 feature). It works like this:

$ python
Old IPs for record '': []
Adding IP:
New IPs for record '': [['']]

And there we go! Now is updated to point to the new server we just deployed. If we want to do an update, we can deploy a new web service and update the DNS to point to that and remove the entry for the old server.

Be warned though, that DNS responses get cached all over the place, so you should wait a while before tearing down your old server even if you’ve technically removed the record.

And We’re Done!

That’s it! is now officially deployed on Cloudless. Not only that, we have zero downtime deploys with a short (and tested!) python script.

Obviously there’s a lot of room for improvement, from deploying our web services behind a load balancer so we don’t have to wait for DNS caches to clear, to securing our internal secrets store using something besides firewall rules, but this gives us something to build on. Check back for more updates!

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